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Which one is correct: stay tuned or stay in tune?

Which one is correct: stay tuned or stay in tune?

Which one is correct: stay tuned or stay in tune?

“Stay tuned” is the correct expression. It is often used to indicate that someone should remain alert or continue to be interested and attentive for further information or updates. It originates from keeping a radio or television receiver tuned to a particular station to receive updates or additional content.

“Stay in tune” is a related expression but is generally used in different contexts. For example, it might be used metaphorically to suggest that someone should stay emotionally or mentally aligned with a situation. However, in the context of receiving updates or information, “stay tuned” is the more appropriate phrase.

Both “stay tuned” and “stay in tune” are idiomatic expressions, but they have different meanings and contexts of use:

  1. “Stay tuned”: This phrase is commonly used to advise someone to remain attentive or to keep watching, listening, or waiting for further information or developments. It originated from adjusting the tuning of a radio or television to receive the best reception for a particular station. For example, “Stay tuned for more updates on the breaking news.”
  2. “Stay in tune”: This phrase is metaphorical and not as commonly used as “stay tuned.” It refers to maintaining a state of harmony, synchronization, or alignment, usually in a figurative sense. For instance, “It’s essential to stay in tune with your emotions” implies the need to remain aware of and in harmony with one’s feelings or emotional state.

In most cases, when advising someone to keep informed or to wait for further information, the more commonly used and idiomatic expression is “stay tuned.” “Stay in tune,” on the other hand, is more about maintaining a state of harmony or synchronization and is used in different contexts.

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Either one might be correct; it depends on the context.

“Stay tuned” would most commonly be heard on TV or radio and means “Don’t touch that dial!” or “Stay here; more is coming soon.”

“Stay in tune” would generally relate to music, either singing or playing an instrument, and essentially means to remain “in key.” You might also be used to staying in tune with machinery, like a car.

They’re both correct, but they mean different things. “stay tuned” means keep your radio set tuned to this frequency – it’s used by a broadcaster urging you to remain loyal to their radio station by continuing to listen to it.

“stay in tune” means don’t go off-key – it’s used by a choirmaster urging you to sing precisely the right notes or a music teacher telling you how to prevent your musical instrument from producing notes of the wrong pitch.

The correct phrase is “stay tuned.”

“Stay tuned” is an idiom from the broadcasting and entertainment world. It means watching, listening, or paying attention to further developments or updates. It is often used to indicate more information or content to come.

“Stay in tune” is a different phrase with a literal meaning related to music. It means adequately adjusting a musical instrument to play the correct notes or maintaining harmony or synchronization in a musical context.

So, if you want to encourage someone to continue paying attention or watching for updates, “stay tuned” is the appropriate phrase. Like so much communication in English, either phrase can be “correct” depending on the context.

“Stay tuned” is an idiomatic way of saying pay attention to this in the future, and comes from early radio and television. It was intended to prevent listeners and viewers from changing stations or turning the device off. “Stay tuned to find out how the mystery is solved.” “Stay tuned to find out how my blind date goes.”

“Stay in tune” is a musical necessity when joining with more than one other vocalist or instrument. A conductor may adjure his string section to stay in tune; that is, ensure that your E string reverberation is identical to those of the other violinists, which can now be electronically monitored! By extension, this phrase can mean “be a team player” or “don’t go off on a tangent.”

Both are correct, but they mean different things.

  • Stay tuned refers to a TV or radio broadcast and means to keep paying attention and not change the channel.
  • Stay in tune means to match your band members musically or anyone else you are performing with.

They are both correct sentences but have entirely different meanings. “Stay tuned” refers to radio or TV station selection. “Stay tuned” means keep the setting where it is to hear what’s coming next. “Stay in tune” is a warning to musicians to play or sing notes at the correct frequency.

“Stay tuned” means leaving your TV, radio, or other device fixed on a particular channel. It can also mean to keep your attention on a specific thing. “Stay in tune” means maintaining the proper pitch or hitting the right notes when singing or playing a musical instrument.

Are there any alternatives to the phrase “stay tuned”?

General synonyms:

  • Stand by
  • More to follow
  • More to come
  • Watch this space
  • Await further instructions
  • Keep an eye out
  • Remain alert
  • Stay in touch
  • Bear with us
  • Keep tracking this
  • Keep monitoring
  • I/we’ll get back to you

When expressing that you will stay tuned or are awaiting updates:

  • Keep me posted
  • Let me know
  • Keep me in the loop
  • Keep me up-to-date
  • Keep me apprised
  • Keep me up to speed


  • Don’t touch that dial / remote
  • Stay with us
  • Stick around
  • We’ll be right back
  • Don’t go away

Each is correct grammatically, but they refer to different things.

“Stay tuned [in]” means to remain dialed to a radio or television frequency, whereas “stay in tune” means to play your musical instrument to accurately represent the sound(s) specified by the musical note(s) of the composition you are playing.

The phrases are related in the sense that each refers to wave frequencies. It depends on the context of the conversation. When I talk to friends and have something coming up that has the potential for drama but hasn’t happened yet, I’ll say, ‘Stay tuned.’ If I were listening to someone sing and they were off-key, I would tell them to stay in tune.

Which is correct, “stay tune” or “stay tuned”?

‘Stay tuned’ because the second verb needs to be a past participle (I believe). This imperative sentence informs the listener to remain in their current state. Like all regular verbs, the past participle and the simple past of tune are the same. Imagine during a fun game of hide-and-seek someone telling you to “stay hidden” versus “stay hide.”

The correct phrase to use is “stay tuned.” “Stay tuned” is an idiom from the broadcasting and entertainment realm, signifying the need to focus on forthcoming developments or updates, whether in the form of information or content. 

In contrast, “stay in tune” is an entirely separate expression with a literal interpretation in the context of music about the proper adjustment of a musical instrument to ensure it produces accurate notes or to maintain harmony and synchronization within a musical context. 

Therefore, when you aim to prompt someone to remain attentive for further information or updates, “stay tuned” is the fitting choice of words.

Which is correct, “stay tuned” or “stay tuned”?

In this context, stay is a copulative verb that needs a predicate complement, usually an adjective. Tuned is a past participle that can be used as an adjective, so “stay tuned” is reasonable.

Tune is an infinitive or finite verb or a noun, so it doesn’t fit there. Any flavor adjective will do an ordinary adjective [“stay healthy”] or an adjective phrase [“stay in touch”].

The fact that this example is in the imperative mood is irrelevant. “He asked the audience to stay tuned, and we stayed tuned until the show’s end.”

Which is correct, “stay tune” or “stay tuned”?

“Stay” is used as a word of command. “Stay”, said the master to his dog. Stoners used to communicate; stay in tune, man. Stay tuned. This sounds like a tune to make you stay. “Stay tuned” also means “stick around” or “stay awhile.”

“Stay tuned” means the announcers do not want the listeners to switch to other stations and watchers to seek other channels on the television. Sponsors pay for advertisements and commercials to support the broadcasters. “And now a word from our sponsors.” Of course, you will hear many words. 

These broadcasts on both television and radio are measured and monitored to assure the sponsors that “their” listeners and “their” viewers are staying tuned and have been watching and listening to sponsorships.

Another command part relates to your stereo equipment: “Do not touch that dial. We will be right back after a word from our sponsors”. Listeners are being brazenly commanded (ordered) not to touch their radios. 

Their machines are being hijacked through the airwaves, and the people are expected to obey and stop turning the dials of their radios. How are those words being used for mind control? STOP! STOP! STOP!

Your cell phones have tracking software that allows monitoring your movements. Sometimes, your cell phones will issue sounds when bypassing stores. When you enter many stores, the tracking software is activated to receive advertisements and commercials. 

When your e-mails are checked, the stores have sent e-mails to your e-mail accounts. Cell phones are vulnerable to such tracking by many stores everywhere you travel. Police can track your cell phones and locations by pinging your phones from stores. Such monitoring is hidden from users. Stay tuned.

More information and facts about cellphone tracking should be available on the internet.

Where did the phrase “stay tuned” originate?

“Stay tuned” originated with broadcast commercial radio and referred to the dial-type tuner listeners use to tune into radio stations. Some radio audience members would adjust to a different station during advertisements or if they thought the program they were listening to was finished. 

So when the program was interrupted for a commercial or station ID, the announcer said, “Stay tuned for more top hits after this break.” It has continued to be used in radio and television today, but it is no longer as common as in earlier decades. 

The first commercial radio station, KDKA, started operating with commercials in 1922 in Pittsburgh; that was most likely the first time and place “stay tuned” was used.


They are both correct, though they mean different things. “Stay tuned” refers mostly to broadcast medium (radio, TV) and means to keep paying attention to the broadcaster. To “stay in tune” is to musically match your band members, accompanist, or anyone else you happen to be performing with.

Both have taken on new lives as idioms with much broader usage than their original intents: “Stay tuned” means to keep listening, and “staying in tune” is keeping in step with your compatriots. As each phrase stands, they are both grammatically correct

From the standpoint of broadcasting, “stay tuned” means “stay connected to the channel to remain alert or await further news from the station.

In a business setting, it sounds more like advice to someone to remain in contact to be kept abreast of what will happen. It’s almost akin to this parting shot: “We will keep you posted.” However, to me, “stay in tune” sounds more like an instruction or exhortation to someone to stay in harmony with a tune or a song.

Which one is correct: stay tuned or stay in tune?

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