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What are the best productivity tips, tools or resources for a project manager?

What are the best productivity hacks, tips, tools or resources for a project manager?

What are the best productivity tips, tools or resources for a project manager?

At Asana, we’ve spent years developing the best work management platform for team management and collaboration, which we believe is the backbone of productivity. When your team is organized and connected, you can improve productivity, reduce “work about work” like ineffective meetings and email bloat, and do better work.

So if you’re looking to avoid the roadblocks that hinder productivity for even the best of teams, look no further. Here are eight tips for improving team organization and connection and—in turn—boosting both the speed and quality of your team’s work:

Eliminate unnecessary meetings

Meetings are productive if and when there’s a clear agenda, the right people attend, and everyone is prepared to contribute to a solution. However, if this isn’t the case, even short meetings can add up to the time your team has to work toward tangible goals.

To avoid that, share a meeting agenda in Asana beforehand so everyone is on the same page. Create sections where collaborators can ask async questions and identify the work that’s most important to talk about. After the meeting, identify action items within the same Asana project so no work falls through the cracks.

Prioritize work based on critical results.

Employees have many vital tasks across multiple projects, but it can be challenging for team members to know where to devote their time and brainpower. With Asana custom fields, assign each task a priority or status level. That way, team members can prioritize work that aligns with company-wide objectives.

A well-defined set of goals and a clear understanding of how to work ladders to those goals will empower team members to make decisions that impact the big picture. And, if a project isn’t connected to a larger company goal, rethink whether it’s necessary or not in the first place.

Delete, defer, delegate, or diminish.

Asana surveyed over 10,000 global workers to find out how we spend our time at work. A surprisingly small portion of the day goes toward skilled work and big-picture planning. To eliminate the busywork standing between you and substantive tasks, remember the four D’s:

  • If an aspect of a project does not support an overarching company goal—delete it.
  • If a more pressing project significantly impacts team goals, complete that task and defer a less critical task for when you have more time.
  • If two tasks of equal importance are assigned to one person, delegate one of those tasks to another team member with more bandwidth.
  • If there’s a task you can’t defer, delete, or delegate, find ways to diminish the amount of time it takes to complete. For example, you can eliminate related meetings or work on just the highest priority parts of the task.

Leverage your team’s strengths.

No two employees are alike. Each person has different experiences, strengths, and weaknesses that make them a valued member of your team. When assigning work, be sure each individual’s task is one they are not only suited for but also will enjoy completing. Giving your team tasks they find personally rewarding or challenging can help everyone to do their best work.

Additionally, proactively identify and prevent burnout so your team is always doing their best work. Workload allows team members to assign time or capacity to tasks, so you can preemptively address overwork. Reassign tasks and rebalance responsibilities to ensure your team completes the exemplary work at the right time.

Map out a plan before beginning.

Once you know what needs to be done and who will do it, you must define a well-thought plan to eliminate “work about work,” like status updates and email bloat. Start by establishing a clear timeline for each project, and make sure everyone knows who’s doing what by when.

Using a work management tool can help you set up the smaller tasks that lead to accomplishing a larger goal. Using existing or custom templates in Asana can help you replicate a process that’s worked before and be sure nothing slips through the cracks.

Encourage cross-functional collaboration

Just because you work in a different department doesn’t mean you can’t work together. After all, you’re working toward the same goal as part of a larger company. Knowing what other teams are working on can encourage teams to collaborate when work and goals overlap.

Work management tools can increase cross-team visibility, mapping each project phase to a singular set of goals. These tools can serve as a centralized hub to share what you’re working on with the rest of the team and identify areas where people with different responsibilities can collaborate.

Promote no-meeting days

Meetings can disrupt your flow, making it harder to “get in the zone” and finish a project. Having at least one full day devoted to deep work—that sweet, sweet block of several uninterrupted hours—can go a long way toward improving efficiency and productivity.

At Asana, we have No Meeting Wednesday, which allows everyone to be heads-down in work instead of just talking about work. As a result, the team has more time to execute critical processes on projects. Many employees cite No Meeting Wednesday as their favourite day of the week and often see projects cross the finish line on Hump Day.

Alternatively, give your team more freedom to set their deep work blocks with Asana features like Do Not Disturb. Notify your team that you’re working but not receiving notifications, and keep clear lines of communication open.

Define the purpose of different communication channels

Communication tools are only helpful if your team knows how and when to use them. Using them inconsistently or having multiple channels for the same use can create more confusion and inefficiency than the tools were meant to eliminate in the first place.

It’s essential to define the purpose of each communication channel clearly. For example, this is how we use communication tools at Asana:

  • For outside communication with vendors and clients, stick to email.
  • For immediate answers to questions, use an app like Slack.
  • To plan, manage, and communicate about actionable work, stick to a work management tool like Asana.

Improving team collaboration and connection increases productivity

Improving productivity is a continuous process. It may seem overwhelming, but simple organization tools and collaboration tactics can help make everyone on your team more connected and efficient. Learn more about how Asana can help make you and your team more efficient, and try Asana for free today.

10 Project Management Secret Tips to Boost Your Productivity

  1. Prioritize and delegate work efficiently. 
  2. Conduct fewer and shorter meetings. 
  3. Tell teams to ask for help when needed. 
  4. Promote short breaks during the workday. 
  5. Remove Distractions. 
  6. Use Technology.
  7. Automate your project management tools as much as possible.

What are your top 3 productivity secret tips for getting things done?

Best Productivity Hacks for a Successful Day

  • Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast gives your body the energy it needs to stay alert and focused. 
  • Exercise in the morning. 
  • Take time to free-write. 
  • Plan the day ahead of time. 
  • Take regular breaks. 
  • Set a single goal for the day.
  • Don’t be afraid to say ‘No. 
  • Wake up early.

What is the best productivity tips?

Set a Single Goal for Each Day

Set a single goal for each working day so you can focus on individual tasks. A good idea can be breaking down daily goals into multiple tasks, where you’ll only tend to that particular task in the allotted time What are the best productivity tips tools or resources for a project manager

What are productivity tips?

Some commonly used productivity tips include: – Using a to-do list, setting phone reminders for tasks, or otherwise tracking progress externally. – Setting aside specific time slots to read and answer emails and shutting the program for the rest of the workday.

How can a project manager be more productive?

To be a productive and efficient project manager, you need to:

  1. Be organized: You need to have a plan and set milestones.
  2. Listen to others: I mean ‘really’ listen. …
  3. Be flexible: Don’t be stubborn.
  4. Eliminate distractions: This is true for any work.

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What are the best productivity secret tips, tools or resources for a project manager?

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