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Is Truthfinder really free?

Is Truthfinder really free?

Is Truthfinder really free?

TruthFinder is a public records search engine that offers a limited free trial. However, its core services are not free. As of January 2023, TruthFinder’s basic membership costs $28.05 or $23.28 monthly if paid in advance for two months. The subscription plan includes access to TruthFinder’s database and unlimited searches and reports. You can cancel at any time by email.

TruthFinder’s basic membership only has information on people in the United States, and you must pay extra to download reports as PDFs. Some say that TruthFinder is not cheap and charges for all sorts of extras. Others say that TruthFinder can do the trick for a quick, basic check

Truthfinder is not entirely free. While the service offers a limited amount of information for free, it operates on a subscription-based model for access to more comprehensive reports. The free version typically provides basic details; if you want more in-depth information, you need to subscribe to their paid service.

It’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions on Truthfinder’s website to understand their pricing structure, trial periods, and any additional fees. Remember that policies and pricing can change, so checking the most recent information directly from the Truthfinder website or customer support is advisable.

Is Truthfinder really free

I’ve used Truth Finder a few times, and it’s a scam. You can find out fundamental info for free, and it’s not much. To find out anything worth knowing, you have to pay the money, money, money. I wish there were a site, for example, that you could look up if a sexual offender were living near you that was free. That is an important thing to know if you have kids or grandkids. Have a great day.

Well, in my case, it’s because a) no one asked me and b) because TruthFinder is not top of mind for me. I don’t use such inferior sources, so I don’t think about it or mention it.
But file this away as a reliable datum: EVERY people-finder or background service offered on the web provides free searches and pay-for results. It is free to search. To get the results of your search, you have to pay. There is no free lunch.

Many background screeners will offer a free option to search fundamental information to entice you to pay for their “premium” service that reveals more information.
It would help if you did not rely on a service like TruthFinder to confirm information about someone because it runs a public records search.

This is legal in the United States, and all TruthFinder is doing is aggregating information that is publicly available to anyone so that you don’t have to do it yourself. Still, public records searches are not accurate. They often return incorrect information because a record that matches the critical search data was found, not because it belongs to the investigated individual.

Is Truthfinder really free

These types of searches can be done without needing consent from the individual being examined because they only search for information that is already available publicly.
Services provided by companies like Sterling (formerly Sterling Backcheck) are accurate because they will use specific information to ensure a match.

Still, explicit consent is required because they rely on personal identifying information (Social Security Number, etc.) and may search records that are not publicly available. These services may also be costly but come with a guarantee of accuracy.

Most answers here said that TruthFinder is a scam.

Despite the warnings, I tried them out anyway, and it turns out that the results I got on TruthFinder were useless with outdated/few results.

Luckily, I didn’t lose much money.

Based on my experience, I would not recommend TruthFinder.

Since then, I’ve tried Spoke and gotten good results with it.

I got a lot more and better results with this. And from what I’ve understood, private investigators and law enforcement use them.

To do a background check with a trial, “use this link.”

The company was founded in 2006 and has an established reputation, even though it was criticized for spreading personal information that was too private. Is Truthfinder really free

So I’d encourage everyone to use this for good only.

Then what’s the issue with TruthFinder?

Their legitimacy is questionable. I had a look at some of their reviews, and these two sort of sum up what many of us have experienced:

Simply put, they were not worth the money, and the quality of the data they provided was much worse than the competition.

This is not everyone’s experience, so I wouldn’t call them outright scams, even though others have suggested this.

What is being said about Spokeo?

They were featured on several big news outlets such as Forbes, The New York Times, Huffington Post (HuffPost), CNBC, and others.

CNBC’s millennial “Make It” had this to say:

Eventually, Tang’s father kicked them out of his basement… business soon picked up, and today, they have a team of about 200 people in their headquarters in California.

And they continued:

However, the team had to pivot from their original idea.. now they have more than 18 million unique monthly visitors and posted $78 million in revenue for 2015. Today, the company has a team of about 200 people at its headquarters in Pasadena.

ABC News (The American Broadcasting Company) said:

For a $2.95 a month subscription.. anyone can find your social networking profiles, e-mail address, address, name, videos and blogs, mobile phone number, ethnicity, politics, age, marital status, home phone number, religion, and photos.

Or you can use the link I provided above to pay $0.95.

I just found a few news articles by searching to show you what is being said about them. Is Truthfinder really free

So, is TruthFinder a scam or legit?

The front page looks deceptive, with a loading bar “processing scripts” in the background.

This is probably not doing anything else but to make their site look good and “technical” for the non-tech savvy.

I looked closer at their claims, and slogans like “search deeper than google” did not look like what I’d experienced.

You start to see through it all once you’ve been scammed.

They neither report stats nor other information on the databases and records they use, which is not very convincing.

Ultimately, I no longer wonder why there are negative reviews.

Since I couldn’t show you any detailed stats of what TruthFinder provides, I cannot rate Spokeo’s services.

So with this legit alternative site, you are getting:

  1. 600 Million Court Records
  2. 3.9 Billion Historical Records
  3. 120+ Social Networks
  4. 130 Million Property Records
  5. 6 Billion Consumer Records
  6. 89 Million Business Records

It includes data such as:

  1. Personal Details
  2. Criminal Records
  3. Location History
  4. Contact Information
  5. Wealth Data
  6. Social Media Accounts
  7. Family and Associates

Sorry, I could not find this data for TruthFinder to compare.

Anyway, I hope that helps to find a better alternative/gives perspective on the company’s legitimacy and other practices.

Thanks, Quora, for providing essential information on the pros and cons of services like those that provide public record information.

So, thanks for all the contributions on this thread.

It’s the way they hook you into their service. They feed you just enough info to get you drooling, then say, “If you enroll in our “PREMIUM Service,” we can provide more details, blah, blah, blah-de-blah, that will be xxx.99$, please. Is Truthfinder really free

How many people would attend their service if they didn’t know it was free?

Given the lack of answers, I am not alone because I’ve never heard of it.

That’s not unique. There are probably millions of products or services that you have to pay for I’ve not heard of. Commenting on each of those would take some time.

Also, why is it surprising? It is a product, service, or website someone has created. Most product, service, or website owners would like to cover at least the costs of producing the item in question, and many do so specifically to make a profit. Why would it be surprising or notable that they choose to charge?

It’s probably because nobody is using it. Would searching in government records be free? That’s never been the case

You don’t have to pay to see the “free” info sites are willing to share.

TIP: Google “individuals name + website name” to obtain what info they are willing to share for free.

NEVER pay for “free” info on the web – use other “free” sites to obtain the info Truthfinder is unwilling to share for free. Examples are instant checkmate & number.

Instant Checkmate also costs money, BUT you can use the “people search” – “search by common last names” option at the bottom of the webpage for the same results – it just takes longer to find the name in the list.

  • Other “free” sites – white pages, Intelius (anywho, addresses, zabasearch), been verified (neighbor who, owner), Spokeo, Radaris, people finders (smart background checks), truth finder (instant checkmate, number), actual people search, Melissa data.
  • If you don’t want your info listed – See the Quora space named “Google cleanse” for removal tips on the above sites.

I don’t know unless it’s because others haven’t asked that. When I’ve answered questions about Truthfinder, money wasn’t the question or issue. Yes, you do have to pay, but just a little. The one time I used it, I paid for one month, which gave me unlimited searches.

Why doesn’t tell you the fees for receiving their report up front?

Many slimy sites operate this way. They lure you in to make it seem trivial to obtain the information you seek and deliberately have you “invest” your time filling out a sequence of forms detailing the specifics of your request, and only at the end do they present the “payment options.”

It is a psychological ploy. It makes you feel you should pay since, otherwise, you have wasted all that effort filling out the forms and anticipating the result.

I will not revisit a site or service that behaves this way.

Why doesn’t Truthfinder say upfront that you must pay for any information?

This is because they suck at marketing and can’t respectably sell their product. Thus, they trick you into investing time and effort before they spring the fee on you out of nowhere.

Sounds more like Truthhider than Truthfinder.

What’s worse is that even after the results are in, the results aren’t in. You have to pay unquestioningly without any clue as to the quality of the information. They give you no sample or idea; they want you to pay.

Think about this one; look how long it takes to suck you in? Do you want to pay for a service that takes 10 minutes to find a few bits of information? If their database software sucks that bad, your money is better spent elsewhere until they can return a record set within a standard scope of time.

Is TruthFinder legit, or is it a scam?

Scam. Do not waste your money! I figured, WTH, it’s only $30. The information is sketchy, honestly, not much more than you can find for yourself. It’s also grossly inaccurate. According to Truthfinder, I’m a felon from pulling a gun on an officer. Not. I have called American Express and had them stop payment.

Is legit? Have you ever gotten a shocking report of known people?

it’s not legit. It said my moms affiliated with terrorist groups, is a registered sex offender, and was arrested for armed robbery

What is TruthFinder?

It’s scary and deceptive. They are an intelligent gang. They have paid people to leave realistic and lengthy reviews that you can only sniff out if you’re reading as a skeptic. One of the “cons” in a pros vs. cons list was, “Can be scary how much information there is out there” (LOL). I suspect even some of their 1- and 2-star ratings are written by them, knowing they can take the hit on their average rating.

 In those reviews, the “user” complains about something clearly out of the site’s control, so readers of that review dismiss the user as unfair and take the side of the site. If I had time, I’d apply some NLP to prove that all these reviews are written and edited by a single team. 

They all have perfect spelling and punctuation, for starters. You should already know from their landing page/steps, though. Not once, not twice, but FIVE times, you will be forced to wait for an artificial progress bar to crawl to 100%, taking minutes each, so that by the last step, you feel you’ve sunk too much time in not to pay the $28. 

Is Truthfinder really free

What’s frustrating is how thoroughly they have taken over most of the top Google hits and review sites that you’ll gaslight yourself while trying to figure out if it’s a scam. Please take my word for it: the information they present may be correct, but their business practice is deceptive on so many levels that I’d have to begin an outline to give it all.

I just remembered another thing they do: While you wait for results to “compile” (again, fake loading bar), they ask you whether you “also want reports on [insert probable family members],” and questions like “Do you believe this person has had a felony?” They’re using these to crowdsource/populate their database and strengthen their information map to try to find you accurate information / confirm that they’ve “found the right person.”

What is TruthFinder?

It’s a very scammy, spammy, half-legit service.

  • You’ll pay quite a bit for a full report . . . EVERY time
  • When you sign up, you agree to auto-pay monthly, and it is tricky to unsubscribe.
  • In the fine print, you agree to let them sell your email address to spammers.
  • The report delivery process is strung out to make it seem they are working hard.
  • The report’s helpful information is buried between pages of useless info.

BUT . . . when I purchased a trial report, it did have relevant info about a contractor I was considering.

So, if you use them Is Truthfinder really free

  • Use your throw-away or anti-spam email address.
  • Use a payment method that makes it easy to force a cancellation if they give you a hard time.
  • ONLY use them if you need criminal charges and bankruptcy history.
  • Then VERIFY everything necessary you get from them, and do NOT trust anything you do not verify. Almost everything they report is from public records, so if it’s ‘true,’ you should be able to prove it once you know what to look for.
  • Use Spokeo if you need general information.

This answer is now over a year and a half old. Companies change, so BEFORE using Spokeo, check out their current reputation.

I haven’t used Spokeo in 2 years, so my info is no longer current. I’m pretty sure TruthFinder is still scammy, though they may have become sneakier about it.

The problem is with people: once a sleazeball, usually a sleazeball. That’s why it’s no surprise that Facebook has done all the underhanded things they have: “The Zuck” was a mega-sleazeball in college and hasn’t changed much, So unless TruthFinder is purchased by some ‘good guys,’ who fire all their current employees and then rebuild with all new staff. They are likely to be sleazy forever.

Is TruthFinder legit, or is it a scam?

It’s a lot of shit, from what I’ve found. I looked up people I am close to to see if their info is correct. I know their real addresses and birthdays for a fact, but Truthfinder had most of their info WRONG!! Don’t waste your money.

How do websites like TruthFinder collect people’s personal information?

It’s all information that can be found on the internet. That’s why I was so pissed when I fell for their sales pitch. “tell me something I CAN’T find out for myself!!”

All the information they have is public record.

 Everything in their reports can be looked up on the web without special access. When I called Truthfinder to cancel my subscription, I told the customer service person I’d run a search on someone who’d died over a year before. There was no indication in their report that the person was deceased. I asked what kind of secret-agent report doesn’t include the fact that someone had DIED. She answered, “because death records are not public records, so we cannot access them.”

My next question was one she could not answer; “so why am i paying you guys almost $30 a month to provide me with information that is all public record?”

Is Truthfinder really free

That’s when I pulled the Truthfinder plug and returned to doing my searches. If you know how and where to look, you can access addresses, phone numbers, employment, relatives, and previous addresses (that’s all easy stuff), but you can also get court records, property records, and all kinds of stuff. You don’t need to pay $30 monthly for some idiot company to do your googling.

And, it’s not just truthfinder. All those services are the same.

Could you not do it? Don’t. If you need the info, give ME twenty, and I will do it for you 😄😄😄😄

How do websites like TruthFinder collect people’s personal information?

They develop bots to search the web and scrap information from websites and social media (of course, without your consent, and that’s against the law) and also get their info from public databases.

The accuracy of their information is not usually high, and they have many mistakes and false positives.

Where does Truthfinder get your address?

Truthfinder is a public records search engine that aggregates information from various sources to create a comprehensive profile of individuals. One of the sources they use to obtain your address is public records.

The information on Truthfinder is limited to the USA Only. Due to the country’s laws, most countries do not have these sorts of searchable personal databases available.

Public records are documents or pieces of information not considered confidential and available to the general public. These records can be obtained from various government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. Public records that include your address include property, voter registration, and court records.

In addition to public records, Truthfinder may also use other sources of information to obtain your address, such as social media profiles, online directories, and other publicly available sources.

Is Truthfinder really free

It’s worth noting that while Truthfinder aims to provide accurate information, there may be errors or outdated information in their database. If you notice any inaccuracies in your profile, you can contact Truthfinder’s customer support team to request that the data be corrected or removed.

I am UK-based and would not want my details like this online. Do not get me wrong, information about people can be found if you know where and how to look. But Government Laws and Rules prevent such information from being in the public eye.

If I wanted to, I could find anything about anyone, but in the UK, that comes with a hefty price tag, and the person you are tracing is notified. So, it is best to keep a low profile.

Is legit? Have you ever gotten a shocking report of known people?

In Checking with, it appears that they are legal. I have never checked out family or friends – or else I could not consider them friends. I believe this is not something “FRIENDS” do to Friends.

If you like, Then click UPVOTE. I need a few more. I never get very many.

Is TruthFinder accessible and legit?

Is TruthFinder legit? Yes, absolutely! It’s essential that this website’s security be of the highest caliber since it provides extensive access to private and sensitive data. TruthFinder is confident that its security protocols will prevent unauthorized parties from accessing your data.

Is there something like TruthFinder but for free?

The USPhonebook Reverse Phone Directory provides millions of current records at your disposal without any fees. While some services claim they are free, they only offer incomplete and out-of-date data.

Is there a fee to use

Generally, how much does TruthFinder cost? You will be charged from 4.99 dollars to 29.73 dollars each month for your TruthFinder subscription until you cancel. If you only want access to most features, the base membership is only 28.05 dollars monthly. There will be a recurring fee per month.

Can someone tell me if I look them up on TruthFinder?

Does TruthFinder notify the person you look up to? Your TruthFinder search history is always private, so the person in question will never know you searched for their report. Apr 24, 2023

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Is Truthfinder really free?

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