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Is Feliz Navidad Mexican or Spanish?

Is Feliz Navidad Mexican?

Is Feliz Navidad Mexican or Spanish?

No, feliz navidad is how you say merry Christmas in Spanish. Do not try to confuse the language by calling words Mexican. The language is Spanish , period. There are slang words in the different Spanish speaking countries.

“Feliz Navidad” is a Spanish phrase that translates to “Merry Christmas” in English. While the word is Spanish, the famous Christmas song “Feliz Navidad” was written and performed by Puerto Rican singer and songwriter José Feliciano. The song was released in 1970 and has since become a holiday classic.

Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, and José Feliciano’s rendition of “Feliz Navidad” reflects a blend of Latin and American musical influences. It is not specifically Mexican but a widely recognized and loved Christmas song in many Spanish-speaking communities and beyond.

The song’s cheerful and festive melody and its bilingual lyrics have made it a popular choice for holiday celebrations worldwide.

“Feliz Navidad” is a Spanish phrase that translates to “Merry Christmas” in English. While the word itself is not inherently Mexican, it is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries, including Mexico, to wish people a Merry Christmas during the holiday season.

The song “Feliz Navidad” was written and performed by Puerto Rican singer-songwriter José Feliciano in 1970. It has since become a beloved Christmas classic worldwide and is often associated with celebrations and festivities during the holiday season.

So, while “Feliz Navidad” is not specifically Mexican in origin, it is embraced and celebrated by many Spanish-speaking communities, including those in Mexico.

Is Feliz Navidad Mexican or Spanish?

Whether Feliz Navidad is Mexican or not depends on how we define the term. Feliz Navidad is a Spanish phrase that means “Merry Christmas”. It comprises two words: feliz, which means “happy”, and Navidad, which means “Christmas”. The origin of these words can be traced back to Latin, the language of the ancient Romans. Feliz comes from the Latin word Felix, meaning “happy” or “fertile.”

Most of the time, the ICE agent would say (assuming it’s December) “ Feliz Navidad “ or maybe “Season’s Greetings to you, too”. Unless the ICE agent had reason to believe that the “Mexican guy” was in the USA illegally, that would be that.

Being a “Mexican Guy” is not a crime. Speaking Spanish is not a crime. There are millions of Spanish-speaking people in the USA. The majority of which are here legally. Have a Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo.

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What would happen if a Mexican guy approached an Ice Agent and said, “Feliz Navidad?”

I will take a gamble here and say that not all ICE agents are heartless cyborg warriors. Some of them may be just regular folks like you and me. And some of them probably even speak Spanish. So, one possibility is that the ICE agent responds kindly, “Gracias, igual a Usted.”

“Feliz Navidad” means “Merry Christmas” in Spanish and is a standard holiday greeting. If a Mexican person were to say “Feliz Navidad” to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent or anyone else, it would generally be interpreted as a friendly holiday greeting.

However, it’s important to note that individual reactions can vary, and the context in which the greeting is given matters. In a neutral and non-confrontational context, offering a holiday greeting will unlikely lead to any issues. People from various cultural backgrounds often exchange holiday greetings to express good wishes during the festive season.

It’s crucial to respectfully approach interactions with law enforcement or authority figures and consider the specific circumstances. While a holiday greeting is unlikely to cause problems, maintaining a respectful and courteous demeanour in all interactions is advisable.

How do you pronounce Feliz Navidad?

It depends on whether you want to speak with the Spanish pronunciation or the Latin American pronunciation.

Latin Americans would say: flees Tabitha. Both “TH” sound like the word “the”. And the “A” always sounds like in “charge”.

Spanish would say it the same way, precisely the same way, except that the “Z” won’t be pronounced like an “S” but instead like the “TH” on the word “thing”. So it would be “fleeth Tabitha”. The rest of the sounds remain the same.

Also note that the “E” in Spanish is always between the “E” in “bed” and the “I” in “bit”. And the “I” sound is shorter than the “ee” sound.

“Feliz Navidad” is pronounced as “feh-lees nah-vee-dahd” in Spanish. Here’s a breakdown of the pronunciation:

  • “Feliz”: Pronounced “feh-lees,” with the stress on the first syllable. The “e” sounds like the “e” in “let,” and the “i” sounds like the “ee” in “see.”
  • “Navidad”: Pronounced “nah-vee-dahd,” with the stress on the second syllable. The “a” sounds like the “a” in “father,” and the “i” sounds like the “ee” in “see.”

When spoken together, it sounds like “feh-lees nah-vee-dahd.”

Why do they celebrate Mexican Posadas?

As a count down towards Christmas, the traditional Mexican posada is a remembrance of the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary before baby Jesus was born. In Mexico, this is a nice ocasión to meet with friends. Posadas are of catholic origin, but our Jewish friends always attended when we Had posadas in my neighbourhood/school. 

There are traditional songs to sing as a group; there MUST be a piñata (the Trump piñata was very popular this year), “ponche” ( a hot drink with fruits), and dancing! In small towns, the whole town organizes the posadas. It is fun.

Mexican Posadas are traditional Christmas celebrations that reenact the journey of Mary and Joseph seeking shelter in Bethlehem before the birth of Jesus. The word “Posada” means inn or lodging in Spanish, and the event typically involves a procession, singing, and the reenactment of Mary and Joseph’s search for a place to stay.

Here are some key reasons why Mexicans celebrate Posadas:

  1. Religious Significance: Posadas are deeply rooted in Mexican Catholic traditions and are a way to celebrate and reenact the biblical story of the Nativity. The nine-day celebration symbolizes the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy.
  2. Community and Togetherness: Posadas bring communities together, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. Participants often go from house to house, symbolizing the search for shelter, and the celebrations include prayers, songs, and breaking piñatas.
  3. Preparation for Christmas: Posadas mark the beginning of the Christmas season in Mexico. The celebrations start on December 16th and continue for nine consecutive nights, leading up to Christmas Eve. It is a joyful and festive time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas.
  4. Cultural Tradition: While Posadas have a religious foundation, they have also become an essential cultural tradition in Mexico. The celebrations include traditional foods, music, and decorations, contributing to the festive atmosphere.
  5. Teaching Religious Values: Posadas provide an opportunity to teach and reinforce religious values, especially to younger generations. Families and communities pass down the importance of faith and the Christmas story through the reenactment of the Nativity story and the prayers involved.

Overall, Mexican Posadas are a rich blend of religious and cultural traditions that bring people together, celebrate the Christmas season, and reflect the importance of community, faith, and the story of Jesus’ birth.

Is Feliz Navidad a cultural appropriation?

Let me begin by stating what many deny: Cultural appropriation is actual. However, saying Feliz Navidad is simply saying Merry Christmas in another language. Cultural appropriation is, for example, when you take something sacred to a culture, something that is earned, and use it without context or respect because you think it’s cool or cute. It’s not. It’s annoying and offensive.

Or when you downright steal cultural designs. I’m looking at you, Michael Kors and you, Carolina Herrera. If you want to understand what cultural appropriation means, please go ahead and say Feliz Navidad.

“Feliz Navidad” is a Spanish phrase that translates to “Merry Christmas” in English. This standard holiday greeting is not generally considered cultural appropriation when celebrating Christmas or conveying good wishes during the holiday season.

Cultural appropriation typically involves adopting or using elements from one culture by members of another culture, often without proper understanding, respect, or acknowledgement. 

Using a standard holiday greeting like “Feliz Navidad” to celebrate Christmas and share joy is not appropriation. Many cultures worldwide appreciate the exchange of greetings and expressions of goodwill during festive seasons.

However, it’s essential to be mindful of the context and intent behind cultural expressions. It could be problematic if someone were to use elements of a culture in a manner that is disrespectful, mocking, or appropriative. 

Saying “Feliz Navidad,” particularly during the Christmas season, is generally seen as a friendly and inclusive way to extend holiday greetings rather than an act of cultural appropriation.

What are some Mexican holidays that are celebrated in Mexico?

There are 8 official paid holidays in Mexico and every 6 years the 1st of December when the new President takes office is also a paid holiday. The 8 mandatory official paid holidays are:

1. The 1st of January; (New Year’s day)

2. The first Monday of February in commemoration of the 5th of February; (Constitution day)

3. The third Monday of March in commemoration of the 21st of March; (Benito Juarez’s birthday)

4. The 1st of May; (Labor Day)

5. The 16th of September; (Independence Day)

6. The third Monday of November in commemoration of the 20th of November; (Revolution day)

7. The 1st of December every six years, when it corresponds to the transition of the Federal Executive Power (when the new President takes office);

8. The 25th of December (Christmas day)

There are other unofficial holidays but the above are mandatory days off and paid by the employers.

What is Las Posadas, and how is it traditionally celebrated in Mexico?

For many Mexicans, the word posadas evokes chilly nights surrounded by family and friends, singing, enjoying a warm meal, and spreading holiday cheer. If you have never been lucky enough to be invited to one of these celebrations, read on to discover what posadas in Mexico are all about.

The word posada means inn or lodging, and traditionally, posadas celebrate the Christmas story. They occur nine nights from December 16 to 24 and commemorate the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph’s search for a place to stay where Jesus could be born. Posadas in Mexico feature hot food and drinks, sweets, music, and piñatas.

In Mexico, churches and communities still celebrate these festivities with traditional religious elements. Today, almost any party held around Christmas is called a posada. Schools often host posadas as end-of-the-year parties for students and teachers.

Posadas in Mexico began as a way for the Spaniards to teach native people about Christmas. During the nine days leading up to Christmas Day, masses would include representations of Mary and Joseph. 

Following mass was a party where people were blindfolded before hitting a piñata with a stick, representing faith defeating temptation with the help of virtue. The fruits and sweets that poured out of the piñata represented the joys of union with God.

In time, posadas started to be held in neighbourhoods and people’s homes, becoming a more familiar and tightly-knit occasion and preparation for Christmas. At the beginning of a posada, people are divided into two groups: the ones “outside” representing Mary and Joseph and the ones “inside” representing innkeepers. 

Then everyone sings the posada litany together, re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s search, going back and forth until they are finally “admitted” to an inn. After this tradition, the party starts properly. Posadas has spread to other countries — such as Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela; the celebrations vary by location.


“Feliz Navidad” is a Spanish phrase that translates to “Merry Christmas” in English. While the word itself is not exclusive to Mexico, it is commonly used in Mexican Christmas celebrations and is part of the country’s holiday traditions.

The song “Feliz Navidad” was written by Puerto Rican musician José Feliciano in 1970 and has since become a popular Christmas song in many Spanish-speaking countries, including Mexico. If you mean the holiday greeting, Spanish for “Merry Christmas”, it’s Spanish (from Spain). However, translated, it means HAPPY Christmas because, technically speaking, there’s no exact term for “merry” in the Spanish language.

If you mean the song, it was composed and recorded by José Feliciano, who’s PUERTO RICAN, NOT MEXICAN—and as American as they come.

Feliz Navidad (song) – Wikipedia

José Feliciano – Wikipedia

Feliciano, who’s blind, has often been called “the Puerto Rican Stevie Wonder”. He’s also bilingual (like most well-educated Puerto Ricans), which is why the song has English and Spanish lyrics. Here’s the most recent TV rendition of the song, which is 50 years old this year:

For a US territory that’s only 100 miles by 35, Puerto Rico sure has given the US more than its fair share of artists, athletes and performers.

Is Feliz Navidad Mexican or Spanish?

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