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I need to surrender my dogs for free?

I need to surrender my dogs for free?

I need to surrender my dogs for free?

Before surrendering your dog, call the organization to let them know you want to offer it. Some facilities don’t allow walk-in surrenders, and almost all charge a fee.

Contact Local Shelters or Rescues Contact local animal shelters or rescue organizations. Some may offer assistance or resources to help you keep your pets or find them suitable homes. Community Assistance Programs: Check if there are community programs that provide financial aid or low-cost services for pet care.

I would try to find a home for them myself. Call your vet to see if he can rehome them, or he may know someone who can take them. I bought mine from the local vet. The pound would be the last place I take them, but that may be your final alternative. People around take in dogs and work on finding food homes for them. I’m so sorry you have to lose your dogs.

How do you give your dog away?

Decades ago, as a pastor, Dolly was my sweet Standard Schnauzer. Dolly was a lover and a clown, an attentive companion and comforter to many parishioners who came to the rectory.

When Dolly was five, an unexpected transfer meant I had to find my best friend a new home. It was the most challenging part of moving.

Fortunately, Dolly was well-known in the community. When I put out the word that she was up for adoption, there were at least 6-7 who volunteered to take her to a new forever home.

I decided to pick the person who needed Dolly the most, figuring that long-term would make her the happiest.

Relatively late in the interview, I got a call from Ethel, an older lady I didn’t know. When Ethel was sitting in the living room, Dolly came in from outside, went over to be petted, and promptly lay quietly at Ethel’s feet. She never did anything like that, and I had no idea what it meant.

Ethel told me she had arthritis in her knees, and her doctor had told her to keep moving. I was also a psychologist at that time, but it didn’t take much training to see that Ethel was mildly depressed.surrender my dogs for free

I asked Ethel to come outside with Dolly and me to see what would happen. Dolly stuck to her side like glue. Instinct said Dolly had picked Ethel.

We came back inside. I solemnly warned Ethel that Dolly had to be walked twice a day, at least a little, preferably more whenever possible, and asked if she could promise to do that. Ethel said yes; if Dolly needs it, I can do it. I was sold, and so was Dolly.

I asked Ethel to come over every day for a week to take Dolly for walks and maybe some sit-down time together in the nearby park.

During that week, I explained my new assignment to Dolly in great detail and her new one. Her job was to take Ethel for walks to help her arthritis and to stay close to help her heart.

I remember when Ethel came in her old blue Buick to pick Dolly up and take her to her new home. They both seemed happy. I went inside and shed a few tears as I started packing.

Ethel kept in touch for several months, giving me reports on her new best friend. I comforted myself, knowing how being so helpful would make Dolly the happiest of dogs.surrender my dogs for free

I have no money to put down my dog; I want to do it myself but don’t know the best and most painless way to do it; pleasee, what can I do?

I don’t know a lot about your situation, but I have euthanized several cats myself. I didn’t do it to save money but because they hate car rides and trips to the vet. I don’t want their last moments to be scary.surrender my dogs for free

A bullet to the back of the head where the skull meets the neck will cause immediate cessation of communication between the brain and vital organs (death). This happens when the projectile destroys the brainstem, which controls the vital organs.

I don’t recommend this unless you are very comfortable with firearms and confident in completing the task effectively. I don’t know anyone who does this other than me, so it’s not for everyone.

I do this only when the animal is terminally ill (kidney failure, for example) and after their quality of life has dropped drastically to the point where I feel I would want death if I were the pet.

I bring my pets into the backyard and allow them to walk around if they can. I stayed with them the whole time, giving attention and talking gently. After a short while, they go to sleep, and then I shoot them in the back of the head. For a cat, a high-powered air rifle is sufficient. A larger animal would require a more powerful weapon.

Another consideration is where you live. I live on the edge of a small town in farm country, I know most of the police, and I’m on a first-name basis with the chief. I’m probably not going to get arrested for a slight firearm discharge.

This beautiful girl is the last friend I euthanized. I found her in my yard in the snow. She slept in my bed by my knees most nights. She’s buried in a patch of wildflowers.

How much money would it take for you to give up your dog?

No amount, when I got divorced, I made up my mind to do whatever it took to keep the dog, not only for my sanity but so my kids would still have him. I bought an old trailer and stayed in a field for a few years till I got on my feet.

None of us can judge you for having to surrender your pet. Only you know what is going on in your life or your financial status. I want to lead off with that statement because so many people want to vilify someone for having to do this. Sometimes, you have no other option.surrender my dogs for free

I’ve never heard of any shelter or rescue that would force you to pay to surrender your beloved pet. No reputable place would consider the pet’s best interest seriously, especially if there are no alternatives but the pound, being released to the streets ( [that you don’t intend to do), or euthanasia (another thing you are not planning to do).

If you can find a family member, someone you know or someone who can prove they will take in your dog and give it a warm, loving, second-chance home, that would be ideal. Suppose you cannot find a situation like this. Please do not advertise him somewhere as accessible to a good home. surrender my dogs for free

Too many unscrupulous types haunt these sites looking for pets for free to sell to labs, dog fighting creeps, to dump somewhere or other situations no beloved pet deserves to find themselves in. If you have any local shelters or fosterers in the area that can take him, that would be another good move. The ASPCA, Humane Society, Animal Rescue League, and other national and international rescue organizations operate shelters and adoption centres, even for pets with special needs and senior status.

They will go far to find every pet animal they receive a 2nd chance home. A local Vet, even if not your own, is also a good possibility. They often do some pro bono work for shelters and have connections and ideas for you to try. Some even know their clients well enough to have a list of people who’ve lost a pet and are seeking a new one or clients they know are willing to take emergency placements. ( like fostering, some fosterers even take permanent fosters for difficult-to-place pets).

Quite often, fosterers work actively to get their fosters into good homes, amongst lists of reliable people they maintain—every possible option. Work every possibility as hard as you can before even considering the local pound. He won’t have much chance there.

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Even if he’s attractive, extremely healthy, young, or purebred, they only keep animals a short time before euthanizing them due to lack of space, sometimes as little as 5–7 days. There are volunteers and even employees with kind hearts in these places who will do their best to help those who deserve a great shot at a 2nd life get out of there, and shelters tour the facilities frequently looking for those beautiful pets who end up they’re through unfortunate circumstances, to take them out of there.

Because pounds take in every animal’s health otherwise, there is a risk they can get sick there. But there is some hope even in that situation. Wherever you do, place your beloved dog. Take any of his remaining food and his clean bowls, his bed, his toys and any of his possessions with you. It will help him adjust, and the shelter won’t have to provide them with their supplies.

If he has a collar and tags, leave them on and bring his leash; they will need to walk him for exercise. Before you go, spend some last time with him, petting, grooming, playing, or doing whatever you can. You will be saying goodbye, and doing most of it in his familiar home is better.

The shelter will be busy and noisy; there will be little time to do more than a quick pet and whispered goodbye before they lead him away. It will be painful, I’m sure you know that, and you will mourn his loss deeply, even when it’s unavoidable. But at least you will know he is safe, that you’ve done everything you can, with all your love, to give him another chance to have a new, loving, happy home as soon as possible. God Bless, and good luck to both of you.

I did not like my dog initially, but now I wouldn’t give her up for a million bucks; what did she do to me?

My ex-wife was the one who wanted a dog…so when she hit adolescence and became a little monster, I went through a period where I wanted to get rid of her.

I’m SO glad that I didn’t. So… I’m in the same boat as you. Why? Because a dog loves you even if you don’t love them… the unconditional affection will wear down all but the hardest of hearts. As you go through life, you’ll find that even if things that are unrelated to your dog start to suck, your dog is always at home waiting to love and be loved by you…no matter what.surrender my dogs for free

How do you give your dog away?

Giving up a pet is often an AWFUL thing to do. I think the vast majority of pets given away are victims of owners who are lazy, selfish, immature, or any combination of words that translate to WRONG. However, sometimes, it is the best thing you can do for a pet. Life doesn’t always care how much you want and love your pet; sometimes circumstances make it impossible to continue providing your friend with a safe and happy home.

There are lots of ways to find a good home for your pet. Unfortunately, many times, good intentions fail, and beloved pets end up being neglected, abused or even killed. First, ask friends and family to take your pet. DON’T hand your friend over to a stranger who heard about a “free dog” from grocery store gossip or a friend of a friend. If you care about your pet, take the time to meet the person who wants her, ask for references, and SEE the place where she will be living. Anyone unwilling to prove they will care for your dog probably won’t.

If that isn’t possible, asking your veterinarian for help is a good idea. He knows your pet, and almost everyone he contacts at work is an animal lover. Vets will be well equipped to match your pet with people who will love and care for it. Another good idea is to find a no-kill shelter that can take your pet in and guarantees to keep it until they place it in a suitable home. This can be difficult; many no-kill shelters are either full or require payment.surrender my dogs for free

Last week, my parents asked for my help finding a good home for their dog, Gracie. They are getting on in age, and lately, they have been having difficulty bathing, playing with, and even remembering if she has been fed yet. I struggled with the request. I know Gracie. I LOVE her. I live in town on a half-acre plot and already have three dogs. I knew I couldn’t take her, even though I wanted to. I couldn’t bring myself to put Gracie’s future into the hands of ANYONE who hadn’t passed my review, so I tried something completely different.

I posted an ad for Gracie on FaceBook. I spent a few hours researching how to write a compelling singles ad, wrote up something that would have caught my attention, and then sifted through my photos of Gracie and picked my favourites. Then, I posted the ad and pictures on a local group.

A page dedicated to buying/selling/giving away pets. Within an hour, my computer was FLOODED with messages from 28 people responding to the ad. There were quite a few who baulked at providing references, a few whose references were fake, two that I am convinced wanted a “bait dog” for dog fighting (I HATE that!), and others I didn’t feel good about. I whittled them down to my top 3 picks and put them in touch with my parents so they could decide who they wanted to give her to. I can’t stress enough how important it is to check references and pay attention to your instincts when picking a new family for your pet!! Less than 48 hours after I posted the ad, Gracie was in her new home, in love with her new owners and sleeping at the foot of her new 12-year-old boy’s bed. I made new friends for myself in the process!

Is it wrong to surrender your pet to the shelter?

The decision to surrender a pet to a shelter is complex and emotionally charged, often accompanied by guilt, sadness, and uncertainty. While shelters can provide:

  • Care and a chance for pets to find new homes.
  • Surrendering a beloved companion raises questions about responsibility.
  • Ethics.
  • The potential impact on the animal’s well-being.

In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the various factors that influence the decision to surrender a pet to a shelter, examine the potential consequences for both the pet and owner and offer insights into alternative options that may better serve the interests of animals and their human caregivers.surrender my dogs for free

Introduction: The Heart-Wrenching Choice Surrendering a pet to a shelter is a decision many pet owners face at some point, often driven by a range of circumstances that can be deeply personal and challenging to navigate.surrender my dogs for free

1. Understanding the Reasons for Surrender Numerous factors can lead to the decision to surrender a pet:

– Personal Challenges: Life changes such as relocation, financial strain, or health issues can make it difficult to care for a pet.

– Behavioral Issues: Challenging behaviour problems may require professional intervention that an owner cannot provide.

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– Housing Restrictions: Certain living situations may not allow pets, forcing owners to consider surrendering them.

– Health Concerns: A pet’s medical needs or an owner’s allergies may necessitate surrender.

2. The Shelter Experience Shelters play a vital role in providing care, shelter, and potential new homes for surrendered animals:

– Temporary Refuge: Shelters offer pets a safe place while they await adoption.

– Rehoming Efforts: Shelters work to match animals with suitable adoptive families.

– Overcrowding Challenges: Shelters often face limited space and resources, which can impact the well-being of surrendered animals.

3. Emotional Impact on Owners The act of surrendering a pet can have emotional repercussions for owners:

– Guilt and Grief: Surrendering a pet can trigger feelings of guilt, grief, and a sense of failure.surrender my dogs for free

– Sense of Responsibility: Many owners feel deeply responsible for their pets’ well-being.

– Fear of Judgment: Concerns about societal judgment can complicate the decision-making process.

4. Impact on Surrendered Pets Surrendering a pet can have significant implications for the animal’s well-being:

– Stress and Anxiety: Transitioning to a shelter environment can be stressful for pets.

– Behavioral Changes: Shelter life may lead to changes in behaviour and increased stress levels.

– Adoption Prospects: Pets surrendered to shelters may face challenges finding new homes.

5. Alternatives to Surrender Exploring alternative options can be beneficial for both pets and owners:

– Seeking Professional Help: Training and modification can often address behavioural issues.

– Rehoming Directly: Rehoming a pet directly to a new home may be a better solution if circumstances permit.

– Support Networks: Friends, family, and local pet communities can provide assistance and resources.

6. Responsible Ownership and Ethical Considerations Responsible pet ownership involves understanding the commitments and responsibilities that come with having a pet:

– Long-Term Commitment: Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment that requires careful consideration.

– Ethical Responsibility: Pets are living beings that deserve adequate care, attention, and a loving home.

A Compassionate and Thoughtful Choice The decision to surrender a pet to a shelter is complex and should be made with careful thought, compassion, and consideration of all available options. While shelters can provide a temporary refuge and potential new homes for pets, the emotional and practical challenges of surrendering a beloved companion must be weighed against the pet’s well-being.

Exploring alternatives, seeking professional help, and reaching out to support networks can offer solutions that honour the responsibilities of pet ownership while ensuring the best possible outcome for both pets and their human caregivers. Ultimately, by making decisions rooted in empathy, understanding, and a commitment to responsible pet ownership, pet owners can navigate the difficult choice of surrender with compassion and thoughtfulness.

What can I do if I can no longer care for my dog?

My wonderful dog, Koa, was captured by a local Humane Society because he was reported running loose on a country road. We met at a shelter for dogs and cats, and it was an instant bonding experience for both of us.surrender my dogs for free

I live in an isolated area, off a country road, and have no fencing. Koa decided on his boundaries and often disappeared for an exploring mission. However, he always comes when called and is loyal to me. He also is far better than the most accurate clock in the world at knowing when 1730, his feeding time, has come. He will appear at the door (the storm door, since I keep the inner door open almost all the time). Much to my dismay, he refuses to live indoors but regards my home as his.

So, after I’d had him for a year, I thought about my advanced age and knew I had to make provision for him when I could no longer care for him. My only child lives far away, and his family has no pets. Also, I don’t think they want any pets, so it wouldn’t be fair for me to ask them to be responsible for Koa.surrender my dogs for free

However, I have a young friend, the daughter of a dear friend of mine, who has passed away. In recent months, she and I have become close, and I very much admire and love the three dogs she’s adopted into her family. Her dogs include a gorgeous—but temperamental—tri-colour Australian Sheep Dog, a mixed and adorable long-haired unknown breed, and a pit bull female. That pit bull and I have somehow established a powerful bond, and she lies at my feet whenever I visit their home.

Months ago, before she and I re-established a friendship we’d let lapse so many years ago, I asked her and her husband to visit me one evening. As I explained, once they arrived, I wanted them to meet Koa so they could decide whether or not they would be willing caretakers for him should I become hospitalized or die.

It was a thing of beauty to watch. Koa will always go to greet people, unfortunately trying to jump up on them to establish that he’s the friendliest dog they’ve ever met or to let them know he’s a dominating kind of beast. I can’t decide which is the case, but my friend turned her back to him and told him to get down. He immediately sat, good boy and his tail wagged along the floor.

So, I’ve notified my son (executor of my will) that Koa will be going to my friend because there will be an immediate need for my dog to be taken by her so he can be fed and cared for by her. The next step will be to choose a quiet day (when she isn’t expecting visitors, etc.) and take Koa over there so he and her pack can mix and mingle to ensure a huge mistake is not in the offing.

I’ve done all I can think of to ensure my dog will be taken care of as soon as possible after I pass away. There are few things sadder than seeing a once much-loved dog sadly sitting in a cage at an animal shelter, missing the master or mistress, and headed straight for the painless death and crematorium that follow unwanted dogs who end up in a shelter.surrender my dogs for free

Edit: I forgot to mention that my friend’s daughter looked through websites and discovered my dog is a Berger-Pickard. I’d never heard of the breed, but it’s French in origin, and these dogs were once used as shepherds for sheep flocks. Who knew? It’s also the breed of dog used for a little-known movie, Because of Winn-Dixie, about a lost dog adopted by a minister and his daughter.

If you are in a situation where you need to surrender your dogs but do not have the financial means to do so, there are a few options available to you. First, you can contact local animal shelters or rescue organizations to see if they offer any assistance or resources for needy owners. They may be able to provide temporary foster care for your dogs until you can get back on your feet. Additionally, you can reach out to friends or family members who may be able to temporarily take in your dogs until you can care for them again.

If those options are unavailable, consider surrendering your dogs to a shelter. While this may be a difficult decision, it is essential to remember that surrendering your dogs to a reputable shelter is often the best option for their well-being. Shelters have the resources and expertise to find loving homes for animals in need, and your dogs will be allowed to see a new family who can provide them with the care and attention they deserve.

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We understand that this may be a challenging and emotional time for you, but please know that resources and support are available to help you through this process. If you want more information on surrendering your dogs or finding assistance, please check out the link in our bio for helpful resources and organizations. Your dogs’ well-being is our top priority, and we are here to help however we can.surrender my dogs for free

What do I do if I don’t want my dog anymore?

You have a problem, and you deal with it. I understand; I have two dogs, just a year old and three cats…

I have had dogs and wanted another dog or two after moving and settling in. After my last dog died of old age in 2016, I started thinking about what kind of dog would come next: big dog, little dog?? German Shepard, maybe; one in our dog school class stole the show every week. I wanted that dog! But, when I had to move in 2018, I hired a guy who had Tiny dogs—and loved them. I should get tiny dogs; I am getting older.

After I moved and got life settled, my building caretaker, George, showed up one day with the cutest puppy ever, Kate. Then, a few months later, while walking Kate, a lady pulled her car over and gave me a 4-month-old German Shepard puppy for free.

One night, I was talking with a young friend, and she said the usual, “Your dogs are good for your health, you can walk them around, and good for safety, considering the neighborhood.”

My reply was full of sarcasm and half-truth… “well, we live in a ghetto, where most people are afraid to go out after dark, so I am not sure having dogs really keeps me safer, or does it make me go out into the night more than I should. And as I approach little old lady status, who has already broken bones tripping while walking dogs at 35 years old, I fear one day their nicknames will be Broken hip #1 and Broken hip #2.”

In the back of my mind, I wonder if my GSD would be happier at a friend’s house. He has a ten10-year-old kid; they are athletic. That boy needs a dog. That dog needs a boy. I could solve the problem and find him a new home—problem/solution.

But, today, I am keeping him. He loves me hard. It is in his genetics to love his person. He would be sad at a new home for a day or a month. Then, he would fall in love with them.

Suppose you want to re-home your dog. Do it with love. Not every pet ends up being the right fit.

Want a cat? I ended up with 3. My soon-to-be ex-husband asked me to keep 2 for the weekend at the end of September. I still have them. At 55 years old and having been self-employed my whole life, I started working at Home Depot this week because I have five pets that need to go to the vet. It is too much.

Is it better to take an older dog to an animal shelter?

No!!! They will be killed there! All shelters are overcrowded and overwhelmed by irresponsible owners’ daily surrenders of once-loved pets. The shelters have to make room for daily intakes; owner surrenders can be killed immediately as there is no hold time required!surrender my dogs for free

On average, just 1 out of 1000 MAY get rescued. This dog has been loyal, unconditionally loved, and dependent on you. You owe it to them to continue loving and caring for them to the end of their natural life! A pet is a LIFETIME commitment. If you can’t make this commitment, don’t get a pet!!!

Is it wrong to surrender a dog?

In most cases, yes, it’s a bad thing to do. You got a dog. That means you are responsible for caring for that dog for the rest of their life until it’s no longer fun or becomes inconvenient because you’ve decided you’re too busy or the dog’s aging and requires more care for LIFE.

Sometimes, people have to move and may choose a place with a “no dog” policy. Notice I said “choose”. Moving to a place that doesn’t allow dogs is a choice. So keep looking and find a place that allows dogs.

Some people may end up in a difficult financial situation and cannot afford to care for their dog. The responsible thing to do is reach out to the breeder you got the dog from or a local humane society and surrender your dog so they can be rehomed.

Some people get a dog they thought they wanted, only to find out it isn’t suitable for them for various reasons. They get a dog that looks cool but never did the research as to health issues or energy needs. Do your research before you bring that cute dog/puppy home! If this is your situation, contact a trainer/animal behaviourist first. Find a way to work with your dog.

Most of the time, issues can be addressed by getting off your ass and walking the dog regularly, training them and playing with them, or finding an appropriate food for your allergy-prone dog if that’s the case. If you cannot work with your dog, contact the breeder you got them from or the humane society you adopted them from and see if they will return the dog.

Most reputable breeders will, as well as most humane societies. If you got your dog off Craigslist from a backyard breeder, you’re SOL there. In that case, contact your local humane society and discuss your situation instead of dumping your dog at the shelter. Once you surrender that dog, there is no guarantee they won’t be euthanized later that day.surrender my dogs for free

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I want to return my dog; what should I do?

Originally Answered: I want to return my dog; what should I do? I got my dog in February (I feel like I was impulsive). She destroys a lot and has cost a lot of money that my parents would not get back if we returned do I ask them? She is just too much for me.

You have a few options.

  1. Take your dog to training (obedience, agility perhaps) and socialize (walks, dog parks). Understand that dogs have feelings, get bored, need a job, or something exciting. They are living, breathing creatures with wants and needs, too.
  2. Hire a trainer to help you, your family, and your dog learn and work together. The whole family needs to be united in how behaviour is encouraged or redirected as needed. Dogs have the consciousness of a three3-year-old child; they understand, but impulse control isn’t the most vital asset.
  3. Contact the dog’s breeder to see if they’ll return the dog. Good breeders will have in the contract the right to remove an animal from a home that doesn’t work for humans and the dog.
  4. If, for whatever reason, the breeder won’t take it back and you absolutely must say goodbye, contact Breed Rescue to find a foster home to take the dog, train them and find a better match.

All dogs aren’t bad; they don’t know better, and they’re counting on their owners to teach them correct behaviours and ensure they receive the care, attention and exercise they need and crave.

I did not like my dog initially, but now I wouldn’t give her up for a million bucks; what did she do to me?

With my last dog, Winnie, it was indeed love at first sight for both of us. I loved and adored her from the moment we met right through to her passing at almost 14 – if anything, and at all possible, I loved her even more during her golden years and will always treasure the time we had together.

Fast track to two years later when I adopted two Mexican sister rescues. I had been searching to adopt two bonded dogs (I believe that most dogs are happiest in packs and decided I’d adopt both at once rather than getting one and then waiting to get another, hoping they would get along and bond – it seemed to easier just to get two already bonded) and found them posted online by a local Rescue in my neighbourhood and immediately contacted them.

The next day, they did a home check, which I passed (I had already filled out the application form), and then brought them to me for a one-week trial run. I was thrilled to have dogs again, and while I didn’t love them, I was caught up in the moment and figured they’d grow on me.surrender my dogs for free

Weeks passed, and I was getting so exhausted and worn out by the constant walking (plus I also have a dog walker on top of that) of which none of my previous dogs had needed so much regular cleaning up of pee and poo from the house (I had thought at 11 months old they would have been housebroken but now in hindsight realize that these poor girls had been street dogs and then in a Mexican shelter for 4 – 5 months and finally in a Rescue in Canada for only a few months so how and when on earth would they have learned to be housebroken), cleaning up constant diarrhoea in the house (one would think being street dogs they would have been used to eating “anything” but their little systems weren’t used to the more prosperous and better quality dog food).

The chewing up of anything and everything they could get their little teeth on if I had my head turned even for a moment. If anything was missing, I learned to look in my bed (which they took over as theirs) and found all kinds of exciting things (all chewed up, of course), such as my missing TV converter, shoes, socks, toilet paper, etc.…

To make matters worse, it didn’t seem as if they even liked me and more like I was the thing that catered to them for food, walks and constant cleaning up of their messes – they only had eyes for each other, and I was the intruder. Plus, they were terrified of strangers, and even walking them could be a trial if anyone happened to be on the same side of the street, and Lord forbid if anyone wanted to pet them – the only good thing was at least they were not vicious and aggressive dogs but just skittish. I was getting resentful and running out of steam, but I kept going by telling myself this would get better. Keep moving forward (unless, under extraordinary circumstances, when one adopts a dog, it is for life), and guess what it did!

It’s been a year and three months, and we have fallen into a pleasant and comfortable routine. The girls are much more trusting of me. Now, instead of being afraid of people, they try to jump up (although they are still scared if there are a lot of people around, so when I entertain a group, I make sure they are safe in the bedroom with the door closed for the duration of my party), they have learned walks are for doing their pee and poos outside (for the most part). I get snuggles all of the time.surrender my dogs for free

Their cute little quirks have endeared themselves to me. We got through the worst of it, although I sometimes thought it would break me. Although we still have a long way to go, every day gets better and better, and I even think they love me as I do them now. It’s all learning for all 3 of us! None of my previous dogs have given me anywhere close to such a run for my money as these two have. Why did I keep moving on and not giving up, and why would I never give up on my girls? Because they are my family, and that’s what families do – through thick and thin!

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